Volume 16 | Number 1 | Issue 72 | March 2006 Margaret Mahy: Janet Frame (illustrations David Elliot), Mona Minim and the Smell of the Sun Stevan Eldred-Grigg: Bronwyn Dalley and Gavin McLean (eds), Frontier of Dreams: The Story…
Anthony Wilding: A Sporting Life Len and Shelley Richardson Canterbury University Press, $49.95, ISBN 187725701X New Zealand seems to produce a sports champion of world significance every year or two these days: Rob Waddell, Sarah Ulmer, Michael Campbell, Hamish Carter,…
Humming Rachel McAlpine Hazard Press, $29.99, ISBN 1877270970 The Black Madonna Tina Shaw Penguin, $28.00, ISBN 0143019880 Two books by New Zealand women: one is a full-immersion Kiwi experience, the other set in Germany and America, and bears no…
Inside Anton Oliver with Brian Turner Hodder Moa, $49.99, ISBN 1869589912 The Winter Game: Rediscovering the Passion of Rugby Todd R Nicholls Mainstream Publishing, $49.95, ISBN 1840189150 The New Zealand book trade has long had a vested interest in demythologising…
Catching the Current Jenny Pattrick Black Swan, $27.95, ISBN 1869417259 Union Belle Deborah Challinor HarperCollins, $31.99, ISBN 186950559X The Love Apple Coral Atkinson Black Swan, $27.95, ISBN 1869417208 New Zealanders, we are told, are avid for their history. To help…
Fronting up: Classic New Zealand Magazine Covers Richard Wolfe David Ling Publishing in association with Auckland War Memorial Museum, $49.99, ISBN 1877378062 There are too many magazines. But I would say that. For a number of years (outside the timespan…
Going Up, Going Down: The Rise and Fall of the Department Store Helen B Laurenson Auckland University Press, $34.99, ISBN 186940341X Before TV and 24-hour on-tap entertainment, department stores provided escapism on a grand scale. Looking back to my childhood,…