Volume 13 | Number 1 | Issue 57 | March 2003 Joan de Hamel: Sandy McKay, Recycled and My Dad the All Black; Vince Ford, The Dare Club; Jan Thorburn, Stranded; Jack Lasenby, Aunt Effie Editorial A farewell Letters…
No Alarms Bernard Beckett Longacre, $16.95, ISBN 1877135755 Spider William Taylor Longacre, $16.95, ISBN 1877135607 These two young adult novels are character studies that reveal both the desperation and the potential of the teenage years. No Alarms is a fast-paced,…
How To Make A Million Emma Neale Godwit, $22.95, ISBN 18692100X The Unfortunate Singer Rachel Bush Victoria University Press, $24.95, ISBN 0864734360 My reading’s re-creation, via language, of another poet’s perceptions, thoughts, aural sensibility and verbal skill, allows me a…
Five Holocausts Derek J Wilson Steele Roberts, $59.95, ISBN 1877228419 It’s been a drawn-out business preparing this review. For the first week after the great volume (472 pages long) bumped through the letterbox, it sat on the window sill, glowering…
Valparaiso Bob Orr Auckland University Press, $21.95, ISBN 1869402820 Human Scale Tony Beyer Sudden Valley Press, $16.95, ISBN 0958368481 The first time I read these two books, I read fast to find out whether I would want to read them…
The Trials of Eric Mareo Charles Ferrall & Rebecca Ellis Victoria University Press, $29.95, ISBN 0864734328 Some crimes touch a collective nerve, trigger a collective outrage. The high-pitched intensity of the debate – the foam-flecked arguments, the inflammatory media stories,…
Wicketkeeping religion, Neville Emslie
Spirit in a Strange Land (2002), edited by Paul Morris, Harry Ricketts, and Mike Grimshaw, is, apparently, the first anthology of New Zealand poetry to focus on “our spiritual experience”. The collection is a delight and a surprise. The appearance…
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