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Bovver boys

What they wrote A taste of contributor comments over our first 20 years   On New Zealand Books My hope is that New Zealand Books will provide a forum for frank discussion that dares to rise above the suffocating confines

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Inaugural award for Bill Sewell

The late Bill Sewell is the first recipient of the Lauris Edmond Memorial Award for Poetry in recognition of his achievements. Speaking on behalf of the Canterbury Poets Collective and the New Zealand Poetry Society, which set up the award,

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Posted in Awards

In command of his talent, Lydia Wevers

The Ballad of Fifty-one  Bill Sewell HeadworX, $19.95, ISBN 0473092540 A couple of years ago I wrote a favourable review of Bill Sewell’s long poem Erebus (1999). He rang and thanked me after he read it; part of what he

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Obituary – Bill Sewell

Bill Sewell (1951-2003)   Bill Sewell achieved excellence in an unusually wide variety of areas. While versatility is sometimes the province of the amateur, this was not so with Bill, whose manifold fruiting branches sprang from a single and solid

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Far and near: some thoughts on the poetry of Bill Sewell, Brian Turner

Fair-minded people like to see others given their due. That has been my experience, although I’ve often wondered about just what percentage of such fair-mindeds there are, especially in literary circles. Most writers I know have a list of other

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Editorial – Issue 56

Foul winds and fair play. The rugby season is over at last – for all of a couple of 
months. But the challenger series for the America’s Cup is already beating to windward. And our professional cricketers, in whatever light

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Editorial – Issue 51

All in the same nest The Germans have a word for it: Nestbeschmutzung. It literally means “fouling the nest”, but it has a more general meaning of “putting down your own kind”. This is in effect what Rosemary McLeod did

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“Considerate autocrats”, Bill Sewell and Harry Ricketts

Editing Writers can get paranoid about editors. We know; we’re writers ourselves. Like many others, we’ve imagined editors to whom we’ve submitted work flicking through it in a spirit somewhere between malice and mischief. A number of masochistic scenarios spring

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No need to be noisy, Bill Sewell

Lucky Table Vincent O’Sullivan Victoria University Press, $24.95, ISBN 0864734069 Vincent O’Sullivan is not – and has never been – one of our noisier poets. He’s not known, like Denis Glover or James K Baxter, for extravagant behaviour; or, like

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Posted in Literature, Poetry, Review

Poems in the classroom, Jo Kahl

Essential New Zealand Poems ed Lauris Edmond and Bill Sewell Godwit, $29.95, ISBN 1869620879 Why is it that fictional teachers are always teachers of English? How many times do you see on television or at the movies teachers attempting to

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Posted in Literature, Poetry, Review
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