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Nudging the unsuitable, Cilla McQueen

How To Make A Million Emma Neale Godwit, $22.95, ISBN 18692100X The Unfortunate Singer Rachel Bush Victoria University Press, $24.95, ISBN 0864734360 My reading’s re-creation, via language, of another poet’s perceptions, thoughts, aural sensibility and verbal skill, allows me a

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Making a difference, Jane Stafford

All roads lead to the sea Kapka Kassabova Auckland University Press, $19.95, ISBN 1 86940 177 8 The Hungry Woman  Rachel Bush Victoria University Press, $19.95, ISBN 0 86473 327 5 Still Talking Bernadette Hall Victoria University Press, $19.95, ISBN

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Posted in Literature, Poetry, Review

Strong collection from young poets, Rachel Bush

Sevensome Vivienne Plumb and Paola Bilbrough (eds), Calliope Press, $13.00 Seven women, young enough to be able to use a word like ‘km’ comfortably and all of them talented, combined to publish this book. When I first read it, a

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