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Theory vs practice, Colin Knox

The Intangibles of Managing A J (Tone) Borren Dunmore Press, $29.95 ISBN 0864692390 The New Zealand Small Business Guide Richard Higham and Sara Williams Penguin, $29.95 (revised edition) ISBN 0140132201 Marketing In New Zealand Alyse Boaz Longman Paul, $29.95 ISBN

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The undemocratic free market, Bryan Gould

Beyond the Free Market: Rebuilding a Just Society in New Zealand
David Cooke, Claire Hill, Pat Baskett and Ruth Irwin (eds)
Dunmore Press, $30.00,
ISBN 9711927212189

In the opening essay of this impressive collection, Nicky Hager identifies 1993 as the crucial date when opinion turned against Rogernomics and Ruth Richardson; and yet, he asks, “more than 20 years after that profound change in public opinion, New Zealand still retains many of the policies of the 1980s and early 1990s. Why?”

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Posted in Economics, Non-fiction, Review

More management, less education, Tim Hazledine

Crisis of Identity? The Mission and Management of Universities in New Zealand Wilf Malcolm and Nicholas Tarling  Dunmore Press, $39.95, ISBN 9781877399275 Clark Kerr, a great president of the University of California at Berkeley, once defined the university as “a

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Posted in Non-fiction, Review

Porridge stirring, John Horrocks

The Problem of Prisons: Correction Reform in New Zealand since 1840 Greg Newbold Dunmore Press, $49.95, ISBN 9790187399213 Mt Eden Prison in Auckland speaks of an era when punishment and incarceration were very visible. Its turreted buildings of black volcanic

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Posted in History, Non-fiction, Politics & Law, Review

In their natural habitat, Barry Gustafson

Political Animals: Confessions of a Parliamentary Zoologist Jane Clifton Penguin, $29.95, ISBN 0143019643 Two Titans: Muldoon, Lange and Leadership Jon Johansson Dunmore Press, $34.95, ISBN 1877399019 I have always loved Jane Clifton. I mean her well-informed, insightful and quirky newspaper

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Posted in Non-fiction, Politics & Law, Review

Telling tales out of school, Harvey Molloy

Those Who Can Teach: A History of Secondary Education in New Zealand from the Union Perspective David Grant Steele Roberts, $39.95, ISBN 1877338214 Welcome to the Campus of Struggle: Dispatches from the International Student Academic Front 1999-2004 David Cohen Dunmore

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Posted in Education, History, Non-fiction, Review

The House that we built, Colin James

The House: New Zealand’s House of Representatives 1854-2004 John E Martin Dunmore Press, $59.95, ISBN 0864694636 Parliament is a brutal place. Only the idealistic, the ideological, the hard-nosed and the ruthless gather there. No person is inviolate, no secret safe,

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Posted in History, Non-fiction, Politics & Law, Review

Absolutely positive it’s dead? Tim Hazledine

Muldoon Revisited ed Margaret Clark Dunmore Press, $39.95, ISBN 0864694652 What were you doing the day Robert Muldoon died? I was in Auckland, very recently returned to this country after 20 years overseas. I watched the coverage of the death

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Posted in Biography, Non-fiction, Politics & Law, Review

Our biggest brashest city, Diane Brown

Auckland before the Harbour Bridge Graham Stewart Grantham House, $69.95, ISBN 1869340868. Almighty Auckland? ed Ian Carter, David Craig and Steve Matthewman Dunmore Press, $34.95, ISBN 0864694520 History is big these days but it wasn’t when I was young. My

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Posted in History, Non-fiction, Review, Sociology

Men (mostly) behaving well, W K Hastings

Gay Men, Sex and HIV Heather Worth Dunmore Press, $39.95, ISBN 864694342 As chief censor, I recently classified The Gift, a documentary directed by Louise Hogarth about gay men’s relationships with a virus. It interviews men who “bareback”, who choose

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Posted in Gender, Health, Non-fiction, Review
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