Trial by Ambush: The Prosecutions of David Bain Joe Karam HarperCollins, $45.00, ISBN 9781869508340 I am reasonably new to the criminal justice system, having been appointed a judge in 2010, and seem to be one of the few people in…
Trial by Ambush: The Prosecutions of David Bain Joe Karam HarperCollins, $45.00, ISBN 9781869508340 I am reasonably new to the criminal justice system, having been appointed a judge in 2010, and seem to be one of the few people in…
Sexuality Down Under: Social and Historical Perspectives Allison Kirkman and Pat Moloney (eds) Otago University Press, $39.95, ISBN 1877372102 Books of essays presenting breadth without sacrificing depth are rare, and their editors must be prepared for bracing confrontations with…
Gay Men, Sex and HIV Heather Worth Dunmore Press, $39.95, ISBN 864694342 As chief censor, I recently classified The Gift, a documentary directed by Louise Hogarth about gay men’s relationships with a virus. It interviews men who “bareback”, who choose…
Unquiet World: The Life of Count Geoffrey Potocki de Montalk Stephanie de Montalk Victoria University Press, $39.95, ISBN 086473414X I completely misunderstood this book. I did what I usually do to begin reviewing a book. I checked for a subtitle,…
Relatively free speech, W K Hastings
Lynley Hood, in New Zealand Books June 2003, writes of a debate in which she just wanted to tell the truth “as I saw it”. So should everybody. What caught my attention about Ms Hood’s assertion was what might be…
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