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Issue 3 | October 1991

  Volume 1 | Number 3 | Issue 3 | October 1991 J M Thomson: “Looking forward” Les Cleveland: Paul Freyberg, Bernard Freyberg VC, Soldier of Two Nations Juliet Rowe: Pauline O’Regan, Aunts and Windmills; May Davis, May Elric Hooper: Margaret

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Waves and ripples, Melanie Nolan

The Oxford Illustrated History of New Zealand Keith Sinclair (ed), Oxford University Press, 1990, $59.95 The People and The Land. Te Tangata Me Te Whenua Judith Bassett, Judith Binney, Erik Olssen Allen and Unwin/ Port Nicholson Press, Wellington, 1990, $59.95 History publishers

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Posted in History, Māori, Non-fiction, Review

What about the workers? A historical view, John Roberts

The Forgotten Worker: The Rural Wage Worker in Nineteenth Century New Zealand  John E Martin, Allen and Unwin/Trade Union History Project, Wellington, 1990, $35.95 New Zealand Working People 1890-1990 Stevan Eldred-Grigg Dunmore Press, Palmerston North, 1990, $34.95   Nuclear Free:

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Posted in History, Non-fiction, Politics & Law, Review, Sociology

Editorial – Issue 1

J M Thomson: Books in society   Over the past decade New Zealand books have increasingly won international renown. Books are one of our chief cultural assets however undervalued they may be by economic policy makers. This publication appears at

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Posted in Editorial

Issue 1 | April 1991

  Volume 1 | Number 1 | Issue 1 | April 1991  Editorial, J M Thomson: “Books in society” John Roberts: John E Martin, The Forgotten Worker – The Rural Wage Worker in Nineteenth Century New Zealand; Stevan Eldred-Grigg, New

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Disillusionment and disapprobation, Rod Alley

Changes? The 1990 Election Colin James and Alan McRobie Allen and Unwin, Wellington, 1990, $24.95 Publication of one of the first books on the 1990 election gives Rod Alley an opportunity to question what he calls our ‘system of electoral

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Posted in Non-fiction, Politics & Law, Review

Avaro – Tabasco Sauce, Elizabeth Knox

Avaro Deborah Petersen Mallinson Rendel, Wellington, 1990, $14.95 Tabasco Sauce and Ice Cream Lydia Wevers (ed) Macmillan New Zealand, Auckland, 1990, $19.95 Deborah Petersen’s first novel, Avaro, introduces us to the people and countries of the fantastic other world of

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Posted in Fiction, Literature, Review, Short stories, Young adults

Moments of recognition, Lauris Edmond

Speaking to Miranda Caroline Macdonald Hodder & Stoughton, Auckland, 1990, $19.95 Even in the present increasingly sophisticated field of writing for young adults, Caroline Macdonald is something of a phenomenon. Her first book won the prestigious Esther Glen Medal, and her

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Posted in Fiction, Literature, Review, Young adults

Recent New Zealand Poetry, Charles Croot:

Cabin Fever Anne French Auckland University Press, 1990, $15.95 Park Island Leonard Lambert John McIndoe, Dunedin, 1990, $18.95 Jazz Waists Robert Sullivan Auckland University Press, 1990, $16.95 Man with a Child’s Violin Gregory O’Brien Caxton Press, Christchurch, 1990, $14.55 What’s

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Posted in Literature, Poetry, Review

Stuck in the middle – or the New Zealand publishing scene observed, Iain Sharp

In order to understand the New Zealand publishing scene a little better, let’s play a game of make-believe. The first scenario goes like this. You are someone who loves New Zealand for its climate, scenery, canned food, sports heroes and

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