Volume 1 | Number 3 | Issue 3 | October 1991
J M Thomson: “Looking forward”
Les Cleveland: Paul Freyberg, Bernard Freyberg VC, Soldier of Two Nations
Juliet Rowe: Pauline O’Regan, Aunts and Windmills; May Davis, May
Elric Hooper: Margaret Lewis, Ngaio Marsh
Vincent O’Sullivan: Stevan Eldred-Grigg, The Shining City
Lawrence Jones: Noel Virtue, Always the Islands of Memory
Heather Roberts: Alice Glenday, A Population of One; John Smythe, The Peace Monster; Frances Cherry, The Widowhood of Jacki Bates; Gaelyn Gordon, Strained Relations
Andrew Mason: Mike Johnson, Foreigners; John Connor, Distortions; Norman Bilbrough, Man with Two Arms and Other Stories; Michael Henderson, The Lie of the Land; Sheridan Keith, Shallow Are the Smiles at the Supermarket
Ken Arvidson: Patricia Grace, Selected Stories
Emma Neale: Amelia Batistich, Holy Terrors and Other Stories
Tony Beyer: Alan Riach, An Open Return; Peter Bland, Paper Boats; Denys Trussell, The Man of Paradise
Ronda Cooper: Michelle Leggott, Swimmers, Dancers; Jan Kemp, The Other Hemisphere; Meg Campbell, Orpheus and other poems
Alison Parr: Kapiti Poems Five; Denys Trussell, Archipelago; Koenraad Kuiper, Mikrokosmos
Lindis Taylor: “Opera out in the cold: QEII’s recent policy review” (comment)
K R Howe: Dick Scott, Years of the Pooh Bah: A Cook Islands History
Paul Spoonley: William Renwick, The Treaty Now; Haeta, Project Waitangi, Mana Tiriti: The Art of Protest and Partnership
Ranginui Walker: Herries Beattie, Tikao Talks
Rory Sweetman: Donald Harman Akenson, Half the World from Home: Perspectives on the Irish in New Zealand 1860-1950
Bronwyn Dalley: Linda Bryder (ed), A Healthy Country: Essays on the Social History of Medicine in New Zealand; Anne Else, A Question of Adoption; David Thomson, Selfish Generations? The Ageing of New Zealand’s Welfare State
Brian Turner: “Fracture Country” (comment) Marie Bell: What Makes a Good School? Mary Stevenson and David Geddis, Your Toddler
Stephanie Edmond: Donna Bryant, The Wildtrack Book
Kerry Carman: Colin Webb, Peter Johnson and Bill Sykes, Flowering Plants of New Zealand; Owen Bishop, Wildflowers of New Zealand
Ben Gray: Matt McGlone, Tom Clarkson, Blair Fitzharris, Unsettled Outlook, New Zealand in a Greenhouse World; Nigel Prickett, Historical Taranaki: An Archaeological Guide