Nga Moteatea: The Songs, Part One ed A T Ngata and Pei Te Hurinui Jones Auckland University Press (third edition with CDs), $70.00, ISBN 1869403215 Traditional Songs of the Maori ed Mervyn McLean and Margaret Orbell Auckland University Press (third…
Nga Moteatea: The Songs, Part One ed A T Ngata and Pei Te Hurinui Jones Auckland University Press (third edition with CDs), $70.00, ISBN 1869403215 Traditional Songs of the Maori ed Mervyn McLean and Margaret Orbell Auckland University Press (third…
Songs of a Kaumatua: Sung by Kino Hughes Mervyn McLean & Margaret Orbell Auckland University Press, $89.95, ISBN 1869402588 Songs of a Kaumatua was initiated by Kino Hughes, the remarkable personality at the centre of this book. Hughes was born…