In Touch Janette Sinclair Secker and Warburg, $24.95, ISBN 790004011 Does This Make Sense to You? Renée Penguin, $24.95, ISBN 0 14024946X Rain Kirsty Gunn Faber and Faber, $22.95, ISBN 0 571173004 The Strange Letter Z Debra Daley Penguin, $24.95,…
In Touch Janette Sinclair Secker and Warburg, $24.95, ISBN 790004011 Does This Make Sense to You? Renée Penguin, $24.95, ISBN 0 14024946X Rain Kirsty Gunn Faber and Faber, $22.95, ISBN 0 571173004 The Strange Letter Z Debra Daley Penguin, $24.95,…
The House of Strife Maurice Shadbolt, Hodder and Stoughton, $39.95 Life is no uniform uninterrupted march or flow. It is a thing of histories, each with its own plot, its inception and movement towards its close. – John Dewey,…
Hidden Places: a memoir in journalism Michael King, Hodder and Stoughton, 1992, $27.95 Rachel Lawson reviews Michael King’s new book and discusses his work with him. Michael King has established his reputation through exploring what it means to be a…
The Story of the Kakapo: Parrot of the night Philip Temple and Chris Gaskin, Hodder and Stoughton, Auckland, $9.95 Matarawa House Rhondda Greig, Hazard Press, Christchurch, 1991, $21.50 For the many summertime trampers such as myself, the name of Philip Temple…
The Wildtrack Book Donna Bryant, Hodder and Stoughton, Auckland, 1990, $12.95 Did you know that people eat more sharks than sharks eat people? Or that the killer whale is neither a killer nor a whale, but a dolphin? Or that…
Flowering Plants of New Zealand Colin Webb, Peter Johnson and Bill Sykes DSIR Botany, Caxton Press, Christchurch, 1990, $39.95 Wildflowers of New Zealand Owen Bishop Hodder and Stoughton, Auckland, 1990, $39.95 ‘Wildflower air is the sweetest air’, wrote Richard Jeffries…
Years of the Pooh Bah: A Cook Islands History Dick Scott, Cook Islands Trading Company/ Hodder and Stoughton, Auckland, 1991, $49.95 This beautifully produced and heavily illustrated book is an account of the ‘ignorance’, ‘neglect and … vague benevolence’ that…
Bernard Freyberg VC, Soldier of Two Nations Paul Freyberg, Hodder and Stoughton, London/ Auckland, 1991, $69.95 Greatness in a political leader or a soldier can be seen as the ability to direct momentous events to inspire a large number of…
Chen Li and the River Spirit Anthony Holcroft Hodder and Stoughton, Auckland, 1990, $19.95 Slinky Malinki Lynley Dodd Mallinson Rendel, Wellington, 1990, $17.95 Caterwaul Caper Lynley Dodd Mallinson Rendel, Wellington, 1990, $8.75 Chen Li and the River Spirit is a…