Bringing on the bovver boys? The theme of your brief piece in the first issue of New Zealand books, justifying the publication, was that books were an undervalued cultural asset. Mention is made of designers and publishers, but not authors…
Worlds of Katherine Mansfield Harry Ricketts (ed), Nagare Press, Palmerston North, 1991 The last decade’s avalanche of books on Katherine Mansfield and her work makes this slim collection of essays timely, even necessary. Acknowledging that Mansfield has ‘become an industry’,…
Fabulous and Familiar: Children’s reading in New Zealand past and present Mary Atwool and others, Exhibition and Catalogue, National Library of New Zealand, Wellington, 1991, $24.75 Books for Life Susan Price, The Gondwanaland Press, Wellington, 1991, $12 My Mum took…
A Concise History of New Zealand Painting Michael Dunn, David Bateman, Auckland, 1991, $89.95 A history of New Zealand painting written by a scholar is well overdue. Michael Dunn, longtime Senior Lecturer in Art History at the University of Auckland,…
Jeannie Once Renée, Victoria University Press, Wellington, 1991, $12.95 Broken Arse Bruce Stewart, Victoria University Press, 1991, $12.95 With these, the latest in the 31-title series, New Zealand Play-scripts, is indicated the extending range of published drama. The comedic and romantic…
Te Waimana, The Spring of Mana: Tuhoe History and the Colonial Encounter Jeffrey Sissons, Otago University Press, Dunedin, 1991, $39.95 Kinds of Peace: Maori People After the Wars, 1870-85 Sir Keith Sinclair, Auckland University Press, Auckland, 1991, $24.95 Unsung Hero:…