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One useful, one not, Heather Murray

The Critical Response to Katherine Mansfield Jan Pilditch (ed) Greenwood Press, United States, $55 ISBN 0 313 290644 Katherine Mansfield: A “Do You Remember” Life, Four Stories with an Illustrated Introduction Gillian Boddy Victoria University Press with the Katherine Mansfield

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Robust, brilliant, rather difficult, Heather Roberts

Disputed Ground, Robin Hyde, Journalist Gillian Boddy and Jacqueline Matthews (eds), Victoria University Press, $34.95 A book of selected journalism seems an unlikely place to make a serious assessment of a writer. Journalism is regarded as ephemeral, lost in musty

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Rampant Monetarism, Gillian Boddy

Feral City Rosie Scott, Reed, 1991, $24.95 Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;/ Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,/ The blood‑dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere/ The ceremony of innocence is drowned; (W B Yeats, The Second Coming) The

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