Volume 15 | Number 4 | Issue 70 | October 2005
Anna Jackson: Elizabeth Knox, Dreamhunter; Anne Kennedy, The Time of the Giants; Margaret Mahy, Maddigan’s Fantasia
Guy Somerset: “Review and be damned” (Editorial)
Kathryn Walls: Tessa Duder, Margaret Mahy: A Writer’s Life
Garth Baker: Mark Pickering, A Tramper’s Journey; The Kennett Brothers, Ride: The Story of Cycling in New Zealand
Nick Matwiyoff: Andrew McEwan, Nuclear New Zealand: Sorting Fact from Fiction
Simon Upton: William Renwick (ed), Creating a National Spirit – Celebrating New Zealand’s Centennial
Jan FitzGerald: “McLaren Falls” (poem)
Elizabeth Smither: “Swamp thing” (Imprints)
Gordon McLauchlan: Russell Brown (ed), Great New Zealand Argument: Ideas About Ourselves
Gregory O’Brien: “Translating ourselves” (Byline)
Anna Rogers: Charlotte Grimshaw, Foreign City; Nigel Cox, Responsibility; Philip Temple, White Shadows: Memories of Marienbad
Jane Stafford: Maurice Shadbolt, The New Zealand Wars Trilogy: The House of Strife, Monday’s Warriors, Season of the Jew
Lawrence Jones: Fiona Kidman, The Captive Wife
Raymond Huber: William Taylor, Land of Milk and Honey; Anna Mackenzie, Out on the Edge; Ken Catran, Something Wicked This Way Comes; Elsie Locke, A Canoe in the Mist
Douglas Lloyd Jenkins: Lewis E Martin, Built for Us: The Work of Government and Colonial Architects, 1860s to 1960s; Ben Schrader, We Call It Home: A History of State Housing in New Zealand; Charles Walker (ed), Exquisite Apart: 100 Years of Architecture in New Zealand; Pete Bossley Architects: A4 New Zealand Architects Monograph Series
Anna Livesey: Geoff Cochrane, Hypnic Jerks; Michele Leggott, Milk & Honey; Michael Harlow, Cassandra’s Daughter
Brian Turner: Harvey McQueen, This Piece of Earth: A Life in My New Zealand Garden
Tony Simpson: Dick Scott, A Radical Writer’s Life
Christine Johnston: Don Franks, Next to Gods: A Cleaner’s Story; Kevin Ireland, On Getting Old; Peter Wells, On Going to the Movies
Barry Gustafson: Jane Clifton, Political Animals: Confessions of a Parliamentary Zoologist; Jon Johansson, Two Titans: Muldoon, Lange and Leadership
Bob Gregory: Colin James, The Tie That Binds: The Relationship Between Ministers and Chief Executives
Linda Burgess: “Women on top” (Comment)