Volume 9 | Number 2 | Issue 38 | June 1999
C K Stead: Gordon Ogilvie, Denis Glover: His Life
Jane Stafford: Rae McGregor, The Story of a New Zealand Writer: Jane Mander
Vincent O’Sullivan: Stuart Murray, Never a Soul at Home: New Zealand Literary Nationalism and the 1930s
Denis Welch: Raybon Kan, America on Five Bullets a Day; Joe Bennett, Just Walking the Dogs; Renée, Yin and Tonic
Frankie McMillan: “Big Boy has something to say” (poem)
Diana Noonan: Dave Gunson, Stanley’s Teddy Bear; Nick Gormack, ABC. A Rhyming Alphabet; Gavin Bishop, Maui and the Goddess of Fire; John Tarlton, The Day Pearl Ran Through Town; Jenny Hessell, Grandma McGarvey Takes a Dive
Kate De Goldi: Norman Bilbrough, Dog Breath and other stories; Vivienne Joseph, Raindancer; Pat Quinn, Go Horatio!; David Hill, Comes Naturally
Elizabeth Crayford: Anne French, Boys’ night out
Chris Orsman: John Bell Thomson, Shackleton’s Captain: a Biography of Frank Worsley
Michael Morrissey: Vincent O’Sullivan, Believers to the Bright Coast
Ginette McDonald: Sandra Coney, Stroppy Sheilas and Gutsy Girls
Neville Bennett: Jim Hopkins, Blokes and Sheds; Barry Crump, Back down the Track
Miles Fairburn: Claudia Orange (ed), The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography; Volume Four; 1921-1940
Tim Hazledine: Michael Bassett, The State in New Zealand 1840-1984: Socialism without doctrines?
Bill Sewell: Tina Shaw (ed), A Passion for Travel
Belinda Jones: Helen Schamroth, 100 New Zealand Craft Artists
Tom Weston: Tony Beyer, The Male Voice; The Century
David Geary interviews Emily Perkins
Sally Sutton: Laurence Fearnley, The Sound of her Body; Emma Neale, Night Swimming; Anthony McCarten, Spinners
Tom Brooking: Paul Moon, Hobson Governor of New Zealand; Edmund Bohan, To Be A Hero: A Biography of Sir George Grey, 1812-1898
Leonard Lambert: “One Man Drowning” (poem)
Harvey McQueen: Graham and Susan Butterworth, Reforming Education: The New Zealand Experience 1984-1996
Helen Rickerby: Alistair Paterson (ed), Poetry NZ 18; Cyril Childs, The Second New Zealand Haiku Anthology; Vivienne Jepsen, climbing the flame tree; Noel Ginn, Dweller on the Threshold
John McCrystal: Philip Temple, To Each His Own
Susan Paris: “Literary dream team” (report on Menton Writers Day)