Oral History in New Zealand Vol 4
Louise Buckingham and Brigid Pike (eds),
National Oral History Association of New Zealand, Wellington, 1992, by subscription
Oral history continues to gather strength and respectability. Fittingly, in view of the technique’s special value in recovering the experiences of traditionally under-represented groups, the 1992 edition of NOHANZ’s annual journal showcases women. Jan Jorden and Adrienne Simpson background the work that went into researching their recent books; three women trade unionists talk to the 1901 conference and Cushla Parekowhai discusses learning how to listen to Maori women. Other major articles take stock of 1990 projects undertaken by the Auckland and Hamilton public libraries. Membership of NOHANZ (which includes the journal) is obtainable from PO Box 3819, Wellington.
GRINZ Yearbook 1991
Guy C Palliser (ed),
Genealogical Research Institute of New Zealand, Lower Hutt, 1991
This useful little publication confirms that there can be more to genealogy than a blinkered obsession with one’s immediate ancestors. In addition to book reviews and information about resources and happenings of interest to genealogists, GRINZ 1991 carries articles on life data at the Dictionary of New Zealand Biography, running a genealogical business, census data, the effect of adoption on research and a thought-provoking lead piece on genealogists as social historians. Donald Hansen’s piece on dos and don’ts in archives and libraries should he nailed to the front door of every repository!
Gavin McLean is a historian with the Historic Places Trust.