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Celebrating the singular, Julia Millen

Sit There and Draw That! Helen Crabb (“Barc”): Artist and Teacher   Patricia Fry Steele Roberts, $29.99, ISBN 9781877448546 Bill’s Story: A Portrait of W A Sutton Pat Unger Canterbury University Press, $39.99,  ISBN 9781877257704  Painting Out the Past: The

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Poem – Tim Upperton

History   Turn the pages, slowly. Each word afloat  on narrative’s sea, each glyph the principal  character in its own story, each clinging on  for dear life. A is aleph, an ox. Upside down,  its blank, horned face blazes through

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Posted in Poem

Refusing to come quietly, Nepia Mahuika

Ngai Tahu: A Migration History –  The Carrington Text  Rawiri Te Maire Tau and Atholl Anderson (eds)  Bridget Williams Books with Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, $69.99, ISBN 9781877242397 The Beating Heart: A Political and Socio-economic History of Te Arawa 

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Posted in History, Māori, Non-fiction, Review

The sound of the cuckoo, Doug Munro

Samuel Marsden: Altar Ego Richard Quinn Dunmore Publishing, $34.95, ISBN 9781877399350 As a New Zealand schoolboy in the 1960s, I knew the Rev Samuel Marsden (1765-1838) as the great and good man who introduced Christianity to the Maori in 1814.

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Posted in Biography, Non-fiction, Review

That old stuff, Coral Atkinson

The Sea Between Carol Thomas HarperCollins, $36.99, ISBN 9781869507626 Weathered Bones Michele Powles Penguin Books, $28.00, ISBN 9780143011248 Flashback Forward John Cairney Black Swan, $29.99, ISBN 9781869419219 After generations of being like adolescents with no interest in “that old stuff”,

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Posted in Fiction, Literature, Review

Designing the welfare quilt, Alison Gray

The Fabric of Welfare: Voluntary Organisations, Government and Welfare in New Zealand, 1840-2005 Margaret Tennant    Bridget Williams Books, $49.99,  ISBN 9781877242373 Margaret Tennant has added another patch to the ever-expanding quilt of publications documenting the social history of New

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Posted in Non-fiction, Politics & Law, Review

Friction and misunderstanding, Don Aimer

Journeys Towards Progress: Essays of a Geographer on Development and Change in Oceania Ray Watters Victoria University Press, $60.00,  ISBN 9780864735966 Oceania is in the ring of fire: the earth quakes and volcanoes blow as tectonic plates scrape together. It

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Posted in Essays, Non-fiction

Assessing the New Zealand experiment, Allan Catt

Rescuing the New Zealand Economy: What Went Wrong and How We Can Fix it Bryan Gould Craig Potton Publishing, $29.99,  ISBN 9781877333798 Rescuing the New Zealand Economy describes, in a very readable way, the why and how of the New

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Posted in Non-fiction, Politics & Law, Review

Tale of intrigue, Greg Newbold

Rough Justice: The Rex Haig Story  Rex Haig and Rennie Gould Longacre Press, $34.99, ISBN 9781877460029 Rough Justice describes one of the most bizarre and perplexing murder cases ever to appear before a New Zealand court. The tale begins on

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Posted in Memoir, Non-fiction, Review
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