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Mishmash history, Nepia Mahuika

Beyond Betrayal, Trouble in the Promised Land – Restoring the Mission to Maori Keith Newman Penguin, $45.00, ISBN 9780143570516 Most Maori I know have a different view of the past to the nation-building rhetoric that inhabits the majority of mainstream

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Songs not lost, Nepia Mahuika

Nga Moteatea: An Introduction/He Kupu Arataki Jane McRae and Heni Jacob (trans) Auckland University Press, $34.99, ISBN 9781869404901   Jane McRae’s Nga Moteatea: An Introduction is a small book that seems longer because the comprehensive Maori translation by Heni Jacob

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Posted in History, Māori, Music, Non-fiction, Review

The big picture, Nepia Mahuika

Nga Tini Whetu: Navigating Maori Futures Mason Durie Huia, $49.99, ISBN 9781869694524   Unlike many in the steady stream of publications about things Maori, Mason Durie’s latest book, Nga Tini Whetu: Navigating Māori Futures, turns its attention not to the

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Posted in Lecture, Māori, Non-fiction, Review

More than a national figure, Nepia Mahuika

Mata Toa: The Life and Times of Ranginui Walker  Paul Spoonley Penguin Books, $40.00, ISBN 9780143019893 Ranginui Walker is one of the most widely read Maori writers and commentators of our generation. His acclaimed Ka Whawhai Tonu Matou (1990) is

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Posted in Biography, Non-fiction, Review

Refusing to come quietly, Nepia Mahuika

Ngai Tahu: A Migration History –  The Carrington Text  Rawiri Te Maire Tau and Atholl Anderson (eds)  Bridget Williams Books with Te Runanga o Ngai Tahu, $69.99, ISBN 9781877242397 The Beating Heart: A Political and Socio-economic History of Te Arawa 

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Posted in History, Māori, Non-fiction, Review
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