Volume 15 | Number 5 | Issue 71 | December 2005 Les Cleveland: Deborah Montgomerie, Love in Time of War: Letter Writing in the Second World War; Matthew Wright, Freyberg’s War: The Man, the Legend, the Reality; Matthew Wright,…
Lifted Bill Manhire Victoria University Press, $24.95, ISBN 086473509X Bill Manhire’s marvellous new collection of poems opens, as Creation reportedly did, in an amorphous state, awaiting the shaping of the Author. “Without Form”, taking its title from Genesis 1.2, declares:…
Celebrating the Southern Seasons: Rituals for Aotearoa Juliet Batten Random House, $34.95, ISBN 1869417348 Tohunga: The Revival of Ancient Knowledge for the Modern Era Samuel Timoti Robinson Reed, $49.99, ISBN 079001002X The election is finally over and we have a…
Pakeha and the Treaty: Why It’s Our Treaty Too Patrick Snedden Random House, $27.95, ISBN 186941683X I read Snedden’s Pakeha and the Treaty while diligently chomping my way through two books from a distinctly different genre: No More Clutter! and…
Ourselves in Primetime: A History of New Zealand Television Drama Trish Dunleavy Auckland University Press, $49.99, ISBN 1869403398 If Ourselves in Primetime were television, rather than a book about television, it would be tucked away on TV1 at 11.30pm. Or…
Nerli: An Italian Painter in the South Pacific Michael Dunn Auckland University Press, $79.99, ISBN I869403355 According to the traditional mythology of New Zealand art, the annus mirabilis of 1890 heralds the arrival of professionalism and modernism in the figures…
The Waitangi Tribunal/Te Roopu Whakamana i te Tiriti o Waitangi ed Janine Hayward and Nicola R Wheen Bridget Williams Books, $49.95, ISBN 1877242322 State Authority, Indigenous Autonomy: Crown-Maori Relations in New Zealand/Aotearoa 1900–1950 Richard S Hill Victoria University Press, $39.95,…
Slow readers, Tim Hazledine
Economist and member of the 2000 Heart of the Nation Taskforce on the Arts Tim Hazledine asks if we’re feeding public money to the wrong end of the literary food chain. The New York Times once ran a competition for…
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