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Poem – Nick Ascroft

Five Limericks on Grief When I see a young boy and his dad, I’m brought back to the one that I had. They seem charged, holographic. Then I lose them in traffic, and it leaves me reflective and sad. There

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The novelist as poet, Nick Ascroft

Lazy Wind Poems Graham Lindsay Auckland University Press, $21.99, ISBN 1869402855 Moody Bitch Stephanie Johnson Godwit, $22.95, ISBN 1869621050 Vanilla Wine Geoff Cochrane Victoria University Press, $24.95, ISBN 0864734719 Summer on the Cote d’Azur Alistair Paterson HeadworX, $19.95, ISBN 04730980244

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Eczema and ampersands, Janet Hughes

Sing-song  Anne Kennedy Auckland University Press, $24.95, ISBN 1869402952 Electric Yachts Tony Beyer Puriri Press, $26, ISBN 0908943253 Nonsense Nick Ascroft Victoria University Press, $24.95, ISBN 0864734514 Imagine a sequence of 80-odd poems centred on a case of eczema. That’s

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Poem – Nick Ascroft

The 27th of December: at:   “The time the chemist’s car got robbed, because They still require medicine around The tide of christmas, Grandad would’ve drowned If left alone in – like his neighbour was: “That morning, officer, because you

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The rhythm method, Paola Bilbrough

From the Author of Nick Ascroft Victoria University Press, $19.95, ISBN 0864733887 Animals Indoors Stephanie de Montalk Victoria University Press, $19.95, ISBN 0864733895 A close-up of a bat’s face and prehensile paws adorn the cover of Nick Ascroft’s first collection

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One degree of separation, Claire Murdoch

JAAM 7 Mark Pirie (ed) JAAM 8 Paul Wolffram (ed) $7.00, ISBN 1 733633 X Takahe 31 Nick Ascroft (ed) $0.00, ISBN 0 114413 8 Printout 21 Diane Brown (ed) $12.95, ISBN 1 1710438 Sport 18 and 19 James Brown

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