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Hero worship, Gyles Beckford

A Few Hares to Chase: The Life and Economics of Bill Phillips
Alan Bollard
Auckland University Press, $40.00
ISBN 9781869408299

The sages have long counselled that you should never meet your heroes. Should that be extended to writing about them? Alan Bollard has indulged his hero worship in this hagiography of the largely unknown, outside of economic circles, Bill Phillips. “You don’t meet geniuses many times in your life,” Bollard said in a recent RNZ National interview.

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Bring out your dead, Brian Easton

Crisis: One Central Bank Governor and the Global Financial Collapse  Alan Bollard with Sarah Gaitanos Auckland University Press, $29.99, ISBN 9781869404696   I examined carefully the Reserve Bank Bill before Parliament in 1988 to ensure that, come a financial crisis,

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Did the reforms work? Yes and no Paul Dalziel

A Study of Economic Reform: The Case of New Zealand eds Brian Silverstone, Alan Bollard and Ralph Lattimore Elsevier North-Holland, $US145.25, ISBN 0 444 81985 1 Between 14 July 1984 (when the electorate decisively rejected Sir Robert Muldoon’s approach to economic management) and 1

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Posted in Economics, Non-fiction, Review

Narrow focus, Brian Easton

Corporatisation and privatisation: New Zealand Ian Duncan and Alan Bollard, Oxford University Press, $29.95   The preface of this book states ‘the work is based originally on an unpublished study of thirteen state enterprises, commissioned by the New Zealand Treasury

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Posted in Non-fiction, Politics & Law, Review
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