Volume 22 | Number 3 | Issue 99 | Spring 2012
Elspeth Sandys: Emily Perkins, The Forrests
Chris Else:Russell Haley, The Spaces Between; Julian Novitz, Little Sister; Gigi Fenster, The Intentions Book
Nicholas Reid: Lawrence Patchett, I Got His Blood on Me
Helen Watson White: Old New World: Photographs by Mary Macpherson
Martin Edmond: James McNeish, Touchstones: A Memoir
Angelina Sbroma: James Norcliffe, The Enchanted Flute; Fleur Beale, Heart of Danger
Joanne Drayton: Peter Whiteford (ed), A Good Mail: Letters of John Mulgan; John Mulgan (Peter Whiteford, ed), Journey to Oxford
Lawrence Patchett: Sacha de Bazin, The Day She Cradled Me
Helen Sword: “Defuzzification” (comment)
Sue Court: Wendy Pond and Paul Wolffram (eds), World Music is Where We Found it: Essays by and for Allan Thomas
Penelope Todd: Stephanie Johnson, The Open World
Iain Sharp: Laurence Simmons, Tuhituhi: William Hodges, Cook’s Painter in the South Pacific
Elizabeth Smither: Mary Edmond-Paul (ed), Your Unselfish Kindness: Robin Hyde’s Autobiographical Writings
Tony Schirato: Nick Perry, Ruling Passions: Essays on Just About Everything
Lawrence Jones: Janet Frame, Gorse is Not People: New and Uncollected Stories
Louise O’Brien: Michael King, The Silence Beyond: Selected Writings; Gordon McLauchlan, The Passionless People Revisited
Nadine France: Helen Heath, Graft; Gregory O’Brien, Beauties of the Octagonal Pool; Harry Ricketts, Just Then
Elizabeth Crayford: Lynn Davidson, Common Land; Anne Kennedy, The Darling North; Aleksandra Lane, Birds of Clay
David Zwartz: Leonard Bell and Diana Morrow (eds), Jewish Lives in New Zealand: A History
Holly Johnson: Elisabeth McDonald and Yvette Tinsley (eds), From “Real Rape” to Real Justice: Prosecuting Rape in New Zealand
Caroline Daley: Charlotte Macdonald, Strong, Beautiful and Modern: National Fitness in Britain, New Zealand, Australia and Canada, 1935-1960
Kevin L Jones: Paul Moon, New Zealand in the 20th Century: The Nation, The People
Peter Calder: Martin Hirst, Sean Phelan and Verica Rupar (eds), Scooped: The Politics and Power of Journalism in Aotearoa New Zealand
Rebecca Priestley: Michael C Corballis, Pieces of Mind: 21 Short Walks around the Human Brain
Marilyn Duckworth: “No Message – Harpo” (byline)
Caoilinn Hughes: “The Transit of Venus” (poem)