Volume 21 | Number 1 | Issue 93 | Autumn 2011
Spiro Zavos: Redmer Yska, Truth: The Rise and Fall of the People’s Paper
Vincent O’Sullivan: Dear Charles Dear Janet: Frame and Brasch in Correspondence
Iain Sharp: John Newton, Lives of the Poets; Harvey McQueen, Goya Rules; Murray Edmond, Walls to Kick and Hills to Sing from
Bernard Cadogan: Vincent O’Malley, Bruce Stirling and Wally Penetito (eds), The Treaty of Waitangi Companion: Maori and Pakeha from Tasman to Today
Jane Westaway: Lucy Hammonds, Douglas Lloyd Jenkins and Claire Regnault, The Dress Circle: New Zealand Fashion Design Since 1940; Angela Lassig, New Zealand Fashion Design
James Beattie: Bee Dawson, A History of Gardening in New Zealand
Harry Ricketts: Richard Boock, The Last Everyday Hero: The Bert Sutcliffe Story
Jill Harris: “Weather map” (poem)
Joan Rosier-Jones: “What a bind!” (Comment)
Louise O’Brien: Leigh Davis, Stunning Debut of the Repairing of a Life
Sarah Jane Barnett: Martin Edmond and Nigel Roberts (eds), Steal Away Boy: Selected Poems of David Mitchell
Alison Gray: John E Martin, Honouring the Contract
Max Oettli: Athol McCredie (ed), Brian Brake: Lens on the World
Mary Macpherson: Alan Miller, Alan Miller: New Zealand Photographs
Peter Calder: Gillian Turner, North Pole, South Pole: The Epic Quest to Solve the Great Mystery of Earth’s Magnetism
Bronwyn Dalley: Judith Binney, Stories without End: Essays 1975-2010
Rose Lovell-Smith: Anna Mackenzie, Ebony Hill; T K Roxborogh, Blood Lines
Edmund Bohan: Matthew Wright, Shattered Glory: The New Zealand Experience at Gallipoli and the Western Front ; Stevan Eldred-Grigg, The Great Wrong War: New Zealand Society in WWI
Alan Ward: James Belich, I Shall Not Die: Titokowaru’s War, 1868-1869
Tim Hazledine: Geoff Bertram and Simon Terry, The Carbon Challenge: New Zealand’s Emissions Trading Scheme
Elspeth Sandys: Lloyd Jones, Hand Me Down World
Jennifer Compton: “Imagining Emily” (poem)
Bookshelf [not archived]
Patricia Morrison: “Locked up with a good book” (Byline)
Ann Beaglehole: Sylvie Haisman, This Barren Rock: 1875, A True Tale of Shipwreck and Survival in the Southern Seas
Garth Baker: Ivan Dunn, The Legend of Beau Baxter; Bob Howitt, A Perfect Gentleman: The Sir Wilson Whineray Story; John Kirwan, All Blacks Don’t Cry: A Story of Hope
Nelson Wattie: Siobhan Harvey (ed), Words Chosen Carefully: New Zealand Writers in Discussion