Volume 19 | Number 1 | Issue 85 | Autumn 2009
Paula Morris: Kate De Goldi, The 10pm Question
Penelope Todd: Des Hunt, Whale Pot Bay; David Hill, The River Runs; Denis Wright, Violence 101
Dougal McNeill: C K Stead, Collected Poems 1951-2006
Paula Green: Sue Wootton, Magnetic South; Emma Neale, Spark; Amy Brown, The Propaganda Poster Girl; Charlotte Simmonds, The World’s Fastest Flower
Peter Bland: “The Gift”(poem)
Stella Ramage: Grahame Sydney, White Silence: Grahame Sydney’s Antarctica
Martin Edmond: “Walking with McCahon” (Work in progress)
Michael Hulse: Elizabeth Knox, The Love School: Personal Essays
Mark Houlahan: Ian Wedde, Chinese Opera
Alan Loney: “The endurance of Sappho” (Imprints)
Gregory O’Brien: “On hearing, at the Oceanographic Museum, Monaco, the outcome of the New Zealand elections, November 2008” (poem)
Steven Price: Philip C Stenning, The Modern Prosecution Process in New Zealand
Redmer Yska: Gordon McLauchlan, The Life and Times of Auckland; Jenny Carlyon and Diana Morrow, Urban Village: The Story of Ponsonby, Freemans Bay and St Mary’s Bay
Hamish Clayton: Oliver Stead, Art Icons of New Zealand: Lines in the Sand
Roger Blackley: Richard Wolfe, New Zealand Portraits; Erin Griffey (with contributions from Brad Jackson and Paul Tapsell), The Power of Portraiture: Representing Leadership in New Zealand from 1840 to the Present
Julian Novitz: O E Middleton (ed Lawrence Jones), Beyond the Breakwater: Stories 1948-1998
Elizabeth Caffin: Paddy Richardson, A Year to Learn a Woman; Bridget van der Zijpp, Misconduct; Eleanor Catton, The Rehearsal
Gavin McLean: Denis McLean, Howard Kippenberger: Dauntless Spirit
Les Cleveland: Alan Henderson, David Green and Peter Cooke, The Gunners: A History of New Zealand Artillery
Spiro Zavos: Lydia Monin, From Poverty Bay to Broadway: The Story of Tom Heeney
Nicholas Reid: “Once to the Rocks” (poem)
John Pagani: Margaret Clark (ed), The Bolger Years 1990-1997
Brendan O’Brien: Alan Loney, The Printing of a Masterpiece
Paul Morris: Richard Randerson, A Word in Season: Reflections on Spirituality, Faith and Ethics
Paul Moon: Peter Oettli, God’s Messenger: J F Riemenschneider and Racial Conflict in 19th Century New Zealand
Simon Upton: Roberta McIntyre, Whose High Country? A History of the South Island High Country of New Zealand
Philip Temple: Iain Sharp, Heaphy
Chris Maclean: Kirstie Ross, Going Bush: New Zealanders and Nature in the 20th Century
Obituary: Andrew Mason
Janet Hunt: Keith Stewart, Kauri