Volume 11 | Number 2 | Issue 48 | June 2001
Mary Varnham: Gavin McLean, Wellington – The First Years of European Settlement 1840-1850; Winsome Shepherd, Wellington’s Heritage – plants, gardens, and landscape; Julia Millen, Kirkcaldie & Stains – A Wellington Story; Adrienne Simpson, Capital Opera – Wellington’s Opera Company 1982-1999
Ray Henwood on Arthur Koestler’s The Sleepwalkers
John Ridland: “Spring, 1940 (Christchurch)” (poem)
Stevan Eldred-Grigg: John Cookson & Graeme Dunstall (eds), Southern Capital Christchurch: Towards a City Biography 1850-2000; Geoffrey Rice, Christchurch Changing
Vivienne Jepsen: Kapka Kassabova, Love in the Land of Midas
Ian Richards: Tina Shaw, City of Reeds
Janet Hughes: Riemke Ensing, Talking Pictures: Selected Poems
Ruth Butterworth: Colin James (ed), Building the Constitution
Ruth Laugesen: Jonathan Boston, Stephen Church, Stephen Levine, Elizabeth McLeay & Nigel S Roberts (eds), Left Turn: The New Zealand General Election of 1999
Redmer Yska: Rachel Scott (ed), I Live Here Now. Sarah Campion in 1950s New Zealand
Lois Daish: Barbara Brookes (ed), At Home in New Zealand. Houses History People
Phil Barton: John Robson, Captain Cook’s World: Maps of the Life and Voyages of James Cook RN
Keith Maslen: Penny Griffith, Peter Hughes & Alan Loney (eds), A Book in the Hand: Essays on the History of the Book in New Zealand
Denis Welch: Gordon McLauchlan (ed), Morrieson’s Motel
Dennis McEldowney: Chris Else, The Beetle in the Box: a love story
Anne Else: “Beginnings and Endings: Margaret Atwood in New Zealand”
Stuart Murray: Witi Ihimaera (ed), Where’s Waari? A History of the Maori through the Short Story
Lewis Scott: Meg Campbell, The Better Part; J C Sturm, Postscripts
Owen Marshall: “Mechanical grief” (poem)
Judith Fyfe: Margaret Hixon, Salote. Queen of Paradise
Glenn Wood: Luke Williamson, Gone Surfing. The Golden Years of Surfing in New Zealand, 1950-1970
Charlotte MacDonald: Rodney Grapes, Magnitude Eight Plus. New Zealand’s Biggest Earthquake
Rupert Glover: Peter Aimer, Wings of the Nation. A History of the New Zealand National Airways Corporation 1947-78
Anne French: David Lewis, Shapes on the Wind
Laura Kroetsch: Bronwyn Bannister, Haunt; Eirlys Hunter, Between Black and White
Suzanne Innes-Kent: Coral Atkinson & Paula Wagemaker, Recycled People: Forming New Relationships in Mid-life
Jim Collinge: Charmaine Pountney, Learning our Living: a teaching autobiography
John O’Connor: “Purposeful nonsense?” (comment)