Volume 10 | Number 5 | Issue 46 | December 2000
Marion McLeod: Charlotte Randall, The Curative
Rosemary McLeod: Helen Smyth, Rocking the Cradle: Contraception, Sex and Politics in New Zealand
Joan Rosier-Jones: Barbara Else (ed), Grand Stands; Trish Gribben, Grandparenting with Love and Laughter
John Dickson: Murray Edmond, laminations
Adrienne Simpson: Lloyd Jones, The Book of Fame
Elizabeth Smither: “A dentist’s view of heaven” (poem)
Jane Bowron: Elizabeth Knox, The High Jump: A New Zealand Childhood
John Campbell: Bob Jones, Full Circle: A Modern Morality Tale
Jane Clifton: Paul Bieleski, The Anti-Economist Papers
Peter Russell: Helga Tiscenko, Strawberries with the Führer
Tom Larkin: Roger Peren (ed), Japan and New Zealand, 150 Years
Lydia Wevers: Alan Brunton, Murray Edmond, Michele Leggott (eds), Big Smoke: New Zealand Poems 1960-1975
Reina Whaitiri: Alan Duff’s Maori Heroes; Robyn Kahukiwa & Patricia Grace, Wahine Toa. Women of Maori Myth
Paola Bilbrough: Nick Ascroft, From the Author of; Stephanie de Montalk, Animals Indoors
Lloyd Jones: Brian Phillips (ed), First Past the Post: an Anthology of New Zealand Racing Stories
Janet Wilson: Ruth Dallas, Collected Poems (2nd ed); The Black Horse and other stories
Neil Cameron: Graeme Dunstall, A Policeman’s Paradise?: Policing a Stable Society, 1918-1945, p14
Bernard Carpinter: Michael Wall, The Cassino Legacy; Cardinal Sins; Michael Riddell, Masks and Shadows; Greg Billington, Spindrift; Edmund Bohan, The Matter of Parihaka
Margo White: Stephanie Johnson, Belief; Barbara Else, Three Pretty Widows; Sarah-Kate Lynch, Finding Tom Connor
Malcolm MacLean: Bernice Mene (and Geoff Young), Mene Confessions: Tall Tales from Netball’s Inner Circle
Joe Bennett: Julia Moore, Julia Moore P.I.; Lauren Roche, Bent Not Broken
Tony Simpson: Peta Mathias, Burnt Barley; Marie Gray, Irish at Heart
David Eggleton: “Late-Model Import-Export Cultural Recycling Poem”
Emma Neale: Damien Wilkins, Nineteen Widows Under Ash
Bryan Gilling: Maurice Andrew, Set in a Long Place: A Life from North to South; Shirley Ferguson, Sorry to Bother You, Doctor; Valerie Cowan, Bridging the Centuries
Elizabeth Crayford: Cilla McQueen, Markings
Harry Ricketts interviews Kate De Goldi
Christmas supplement:
James Brown: “The Crickets”
Kim Hill: “A genius for upholstery”
Roma Potiki: “Doña Musica”
Damien Wilkins: From a work in progress
Cilla McQueen: Hello to Berlin
Catherine Chidgey: From a work in progress
Kate Camp: “Admit one”