Issue 29 | August 1997

Volume 7 | Number 3 | Issue 29 | August 1997


Issue-29Heather Murray: Peter Wells’ great novel

Joe Atkinson tells who really is consuming TVNZ?

Alan Riach on Atua Wera, the spirit of Ken Smithyman

Paul Morris takes us for a ride on new age religion

David Eggleton: art, Ralph Hotere and poets

Paul Goldsmith looks for more from Tony Simpson’s Immigrants

Harvey McQueen looks for balance in the education debate

Kim Worthington looks for the life principle in new poetry

Jane Stafford picks on Eldred-Grigg’s picking on Dame Ngaio

Howard Warner finds some good in new novels

John Newton welcomes a volume on literary theory

Tom Brooking sees missed chances in a departmental history

Poem, Jan Hutchison

Poem, Denis Welch

Letters, on war diaries, Takahe, Nicholas Reid and C K Stead

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