Making words explode, Philippa, Octavia and Laura Horgan

Laura’s Poems
Laura Ranger,
Godwit Publishing, $12.95

All three of us know Laura Ranger as a friend and we all agree on two things – she is a very nice person and a brilliant poet. She has endless ideas for poems, especially from her experiences and her family. We think her poems sound like music and we bet everybody else with her book feels the same way too.

Laura has a nice way of saying things. Her words flow as you read them. Also, her poems don’t go on forever like boring poems do. Her poems show the way she feels. They are fluent and understandable. She makes the words explode as you read them. We think she is a brave and wonderful person for sharing her poems with everybody. Laura describes things wonderfully in her poems. You can imagine them as soon as you read the words. Her poems show how much she loves her pets and family, which is really heartwarming to the people who read them – especially us.

Laura surprised us when her book came out. We never knew that she was a born poet. We hope she goes on writing poems for the sake of the people who read and like her poems. Laura is not like most other poets – her poems make sense and are interesting to read. They are different in many ways. Laura’s book is a more suitable read for children. We think children will understand her poems more than adults. Although some adults will read and understand them, we think children understand them more – we certainly did.

Our favourite poem is “Blue” – Octavia likes the way she describes her cat as an opera singer. Laura’s favourite poem is “Thoughts” because it talks about her three favourite people. And my favourite poem is “Omanu Beach”. It is a graceful and bouncy poem.

We think Laura Ranger is a great poet. We hope she will keep writing happy, sad, angry and peaceful poems for evermore.


Philippa (12), Octavia (10) and Laura (8) Horgan are Wellington schoolchildren.


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