Colin James: Best wishes
New Zealand Books wishes readers the best for Christmas, New Year and 1995. As a result of developments over the past few weeks New Zealand Books confidently looks forward to publishing five issues in 1995, as it has done in this past year. We look forward to your support again.
This year has demonstrated yet again that, despite constant prognostications of gloom, books of all sorts have continued to be published in considerable numbers. We will continue to aim to keep you abreast of the books as they are published but, more important, the lively culture and debate they carry and represent.
We aim also to originate some of that debate. In this issue two essays address very different issues. Chris Price (p22) scans the field of literary journals and their role in the 1990s. Simon Upton (p14) argues the need for a conservative idea amid the aridity of market liberal analysis and prescriptions. We aim in our first 1995 issue in March to follow the first with an assessment of biculturalism in New Zealand literature and the second with a contribution from Michael Cullen, arguing a modernist social democratic response to market liberalism.