Volume 3 | Number 3 | Issue 11 | Summer 1993
Colin James: ‘Towards a new era’
W H Oliver: Michael Bassett, Sir Joseph Ward: A political biography.
Denis Welch: Neale McMillan, Top of the Greasy Pole.
Margaret Clark: Roger Douglas, Unfinished Business; Mike O’Brien, Chris Wilkes, The Tragedy of the Market.
Brian Easton: Wolfgang Rosenberg, New Zealand can be Different and Better.
Tom Larkin: Ian McGibbon (ed), Undiplomatic Dialogue: Letters between Carl Berendsen and Alister McIntosh, 1943-52.
William Renwick: Ian Carter, Gadfly: The Life and Times of James Shelley.
Harvey McQueen: James Ross, Linda Gill, Stuart McRae (eds), Writing a New Country: A collection of essays presented to E H McCormick in his 88th year; Laurie Bauer, Christine Frantzen (eds), Of Pavlova, Poetry and Paradigms: Essays in honour of Harry Orsman.
Charlotte Macdonald: The Dictionary of New Zealand Biography Volume Two, 1870-1900; Te Timatanga – Tatau Tatau: Early Stories from Founding Members of the Maori Women’s Welfare League.
Charles Ferrall: Mark Williams, Patrick White.
Brian Edwards: Vincent O’Sullivan, Let the River Stand.
Sharon Crosbie: Rosie Scott, Lives on Fire; Barbara Anderson, All the Nice Girls.
Ralph Johnson: Maurice Shadbolt, The House of Strife.
Brian Turner: Philip Temple, Dark of the Moon, and Beak of the Moon.
Diane Hebley: William Taylor, Zigzag; Fleur Beale, Slide the Corner; Gaelyn Gordon, Take Me to your Leaders.
Mark Williams: ‘Wrenched from the alphabet’ (comment on Iain Sharp’s poetry)
Mark Williams: Bill Manhire (ed), 100 New Zealand Poems.
Anne French: Elizabeth Smither, The Tudor Style; Stephen Oliver, Guardians, not Angels; Gregory O’Brien, Days Beside Water, and Malachi.
Jane Stafford: Anne French, Seven Days on Mykonos.
Nigel Cox: John Gordon, John Rundle, Mountains of the South.
Angela Sears: Palmers Garden Show Guide to Gardening in New Zealand; Rod Barnett, Garden Style in New Zealand; Christine Dann, Tony Wyber, Perennial Gardening in New Zealand.
Lauris Edmond: ‘Rather like New Zealanders’ (comment on literary festivals)