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Stamping one’s mark, Edmund Bohan

The Governors: New Zealand’s Governors and Governors-General Gavin McLean Otago University Press, $59.95, ISBN 1877372250 Amassing Treasures for All Times: Sir George Grey, Colonial Bookman and Collector Donald Jackson Kerr Otago University Press, $59.95, ISBN 1877372218 Gavin McLean’s book is,

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Red pen pedants, Anna Rogers

Book editor Anna Rogers on why even the best authors need saving from themselves.  For most people, a menu is a list of food choices. For an editor, a menu is a test: can the restaurateurs (not the restauranteurs) spell

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Surviving immigration, Coral Atkinson

The Smell of an Oily Rag Cherry Simmonds Random House, $27.99, ISBN 1869418492 Purple Heart Ta’afuli Andrew Fiu Random House, $27.99, ISBN 1869418042 A New Zealand joke, current in the 1970s, entailed asking how one knew when a 747 carrying

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Posted in Autobiography, Non-fiction, Review

Same notes, different tunes, Jenny DeBell

The Six Pack: Winning Writing from New Zealand Book Month 2006  John Campbell (introduction) New Zealand Book Month with Whitireia Publishing, $6.00, ISBN 1877192279 The Best New Zealand Fiction 3 Fiona Kidman (ed) Vintage, $34.99, ISBN 1869417976 Sunday 22: The

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Posted in Fiction, Literature, Review, Short stories

All aboard Moa’s Ark, Bob Brockie

Ghosts of Gondwana: The History of Life in New Zealand  George Gibbs Craig Potton Publishing, $49.99, ISBN 1877333484 Extinct Birds of New Zealand  Alan Tennyson and Paul Martinson Te Papa Press, $64.99, ISBN 0909010218 Ghosts of Gondwana is a remarkable

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Posted in Natural History, Non-fiction, Review

Intimations of mortality, Michael Hulse

Blame Vermeer Vincent O’Sullivan Victoria University Press, $25.00,  ISBN 9780864735515 The Black River C K Stead  Auckland University Press, $25.00,  ISBN 978869403850 Sol Andrew Johnston Victoria University Press, $25.00,  ISBN 9789864735492 The Ponies Bernadette Hall Victoria University Press, $25.00,  ISBN

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Posted in Literature, Poetry, Review

Bursting the bubble, Tim Wong

Aramoana: Twenty-two Hours of Terror Bill O’Brien Penguin, $28.00, ISBN 014300624X I was only nine years old when David Gray killed 13 people, too young to remember with any sadness or clarity the tragedy beamed into our living rooms that

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Posted in History, Memoir, Non-fiction

Demystifying the process, Siobhan Harvey

Insights: New Zealand Artists Talk about Creativity Gareth Shute (ed) Reed, $29.99, ISBN 1869418247   “The more you reason,” counselled Raymond Chandler, “the less you create.” Before he began working on his latest book, Insights: New Zealand Artists Talk About

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Posted in Art, Non-fiction, Review

Standing places of the heart, Harvey McQueen

Heartlands: New Zealand Historians Write about Where History Happened Kynan Gentry and Gavin McLean (eds) Penguin, $35.00, ISBN 0143019929 History used to be about kings, queens, politicians, diplomats, generals, wars, revolutions, parliaments, laws and treaties. My early schooling followed the

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Posted in History, Non-fiction, Review

Unpeaceful co-existence, Isa Moynihan

Gate Crasher and Other Stories Frances Cherry Earl of Seacliff Art Workshop, $25.00,  ISBN 186942056X Flashpoint  Frances Cherry Scholastic New Zealand, $16.99,  ISBN 1869437438 Frances Cherry’s first collection, The Daughter-in-law and Other Stories, was published in 1986, and her first

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Posted in Fiction, Literature, Review
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