50 Poems: A Celebration Lauris Edmond Bridget Williams Books/Peppercorn Press, $29.95, ISBN 1 877 242 039 It is good to mark our lives with some celebration, which is why we should welcome this celebratory collection of Lauris Edmond’s work…
50 Poems: A Celebration Lauris Edmond Bridget Williams Books/Peppercorn Press, $29.95, ISBN 1 877 242 039 It is good to mark our lives with some celebration, which is why we should welcome this celebratory collection of Lauris Edmond’s work…
After Robert Sarah Quigley Penguin, $24.95, ISBN 0 14 028437 0 Halley and Claudia, 20-year-olds living on opposite sides of the planet but “born under the same astrological influence” are stars set to collide in Sarah Quigley’s upbeat first novel,…
The Lark Quartet Elizabeth Smither Auckland University Press, $19.95, ISBN 1 86940 216 2 Now here’s a curious thing. The Elizabeth Smither who burst fully formed out of the New Zealand literary forehead 25 years ago, back in 1975, turns…
The Usefulness of Singing Helen Jacobs Sudden Valley Press, $16.95, ISBN 0 9583684 1 4 Legend of the Cool Secret Graham Lindsay Sudden Valley Press, $16.95, ISBN 0 9583684 6 5 Stone Moon Dark Water John Allison Sudden Valley Press,…
The Wastings Don Donovan Hazard Press, $24.95, ISBN 1 877161 52 7 Don Donovan’s The Wastings could be read as a savage satire on the evils of the right-wing economic theories that have bedevilled this country over the last 15…
The Gen-X factor, Kate Camp
Literature One of the most pervasive ideas in contemporary culture is that nothing is original. It has become a modern cliché to complain about revivals of the past, and wonder what will come next. We’ve had the sixties, seventies and…
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