Volume 16 | Number 5 | Issue 76 | December 2006
Tom Brooking: Tim Beaglehole, A Life of J C Beaglehole: New Zealand Scholar
Hamish McDouall: John Wright with Sharda Ugra and Paul Thomas, John Wright’s Indian Summers
David Hill: Christine Cole Catley, Bright Star: Beatrice Hill Tinsley Astronomer
Hugh Roberts: Terry Sturm (ed), Whim Wham’s New Zealand: The Best of Whim Wham 1937-1988
James Hollings: Jenifer Curnow, Ngapare Hopa and Jane McRae (eds), He Pitopito Korero no te Perehi Maori: Readings from the Maori-language Press; Lachy Paterson, Colonial Discourses: Niupepa Maori 1855-1863
John McCrystal: Julia Millen, Guthrie Wilson: Soldier, Writer, Educator
W K Hastings: Allison Kirkman and Pat Moloney (eds), Sexuality Down Under: Social and Historical Perspectives
Les Cleveland: Andrew Macdonald, On My Way to the Somme; Lynn McConnell, Galatas 1941; Glyn Harper and Colin Richardson, In the Face of the Enemy; Alison Parr (ed), The Big Show; Edmund Bohan, Climates of War
Ken Catran: Glyn Harper and Colin Richardson, Best and Bravest: Kiwis Awarded the Victoria Cross; Janice Marriott, Soldier in the Yellow Socks: Charles Upham, Our Finest Fighting Soldier; Helen Beaglehole, War Zones
Elizabeth Webby: Jane Stafford and Mark Williams, Maoriland: New Zealand Literature 1872-1914
Kathryn Walls: “My mother was a writer” (Byline)
C K Stead: “Poetic hair” (Imprints)
Jock Phillips: Tony Ballantyne and Brian Moloughney (eds), Disputed Histories: Imagining New Zealand’s Pasts
Don Aimer: Melanie Nolan (ed), Revolution: The 1913 Great Strike in New Zealand
Linley Boniface: Stephanie Johnson, John Tomb’s Head
Anna Rogers: Rae McGregor, Shrewd Sanctity: The Story of Kathleen Hall, 1896-1970: Missionary Nurse in China
Duncan Campbell: William Tai Yuen, The Origins of China’s Awareness of New Zealand, 1674-1911; Yang Lian (Jacob Edmond and Hilary Chung, eds), Unreal City: A Chinese Poet in Auckland
Michael Hulse: Laurence Fearnley, Degrees of Separation; Emma Neale, Relative Strangers; Paul Thomas, Work in Progress; Stevan Eldred-Grigg, Shanghai Boy
Paula Morris: Philip Temple, I Am Always With You; Ian Wedde, The Viewing Platform
Paul Morris: Peter Munz 1921-2006 (obituary)
Paula Morris: “Casual labour” (Comment)