Issue 53 | June 2002


Issue 53 Winter 2001Volume 12 | Number 2 | Issue 53 | June 2002

Anne French: Lauris Edmond, An Autobiography; Selected Poems 1975-2000


Peter Wells: Dennis McEldowney, The World Regained; Vanya Lowry, From the Wisteria Bush

Louise White: “Rituals” (poem)

Nicholas Reid: John Crockett (trans), A Deserter’s Adventures – the Autobiography of Dom Felice Vaggioli

Robert Burgess: Michael Laws, Gladiator: The Norm Hewitt Story; Phil Gifford, Loyal: The Todd Blackadder Story

Natasha Templeton: Joanna Woods, Katerina: The Russian World of Katherine Mansfield

Norman Bilbrough: C K Stead, The Secret History of Modernism

Vivienne Jepsen: Michael Morrissey, Heart of the Volcano; David Lyndon Brown, Calling the Fish & Other Stories

Terry Hall: Bruce Wallace, Battle of the Titans. Sir Ronald Trotter, Hugh Fletcher and the Rise and Fall of Fletcher Challenge

Michael King: Judith Binney (ed), The Shaping of History. Essays from The New Zealand Journal of History; Andrew Sharp and Paul McHugh (eds), Histories, Power and Loss. Uses of the Past – a New Zealand Commentary; Bain Attwood and Fiona Magowan (eds), Telling Stories. Indigenous History and Memory in Australia and New Zealand

George Griffiths: R C J Stone, From Tamaki-makau-rau to Auckland; Bob Harvey, Rolling Thunder: the Spirit of Karekare; Mark Stocker (ed), Remembering Godley: A Portrait of Canterbury’s Founder; Julia Bradshaw, The Far Downers: the People and History of Haast and Jackson Bay

Jane Westaway: Joy Cowley, Holy Days; Kate Duignan, Breakwater; Adrienne Jansen, Floating the Fish on Bamboo

Gregory O’Brien: “Talking Toss Woollaston” (interview)

Bill Sewell: James McNaughton, The Stepmother Tree

Janet Wilson: Dinah Hawken, Oh There You Are Tui! New and Selected Poems

Rae Varcoe: “When considering euthanasia” (poem)

Harvey McQueen: Richard Reeve, Dialectic of Mud; Nick Williamson, The Whole Forest; Helen Rickerby, Abstract Internal Furniture

John Horrocks: David Eggleton, Rhyming Planet; Alan Riach, Clearances; Geoff Cochrane, Acetylene

Martin Sutton: Antony Alpers, In Polynesia 

Ruth Butterworth: Brian Easton, The Nationbuilders

Gerry Evans: Neil Atkinson, Crew Culture. New Zealand Seafarers under Sail and Steam; Redmer Yska, An Errand of Mercy. Captain Jacob Eckhoff and the loss of the Kakanui, p20

Susan Paris: Graeme Lay, Return to One Foot Island; Penelope Todd, Peri; Joanna Orwin, Owl; Graeme Lay (ed), 50 Short Short Stories by Young New Zealanders

Helen Beaglehole: “Writing for the little pink babies” (comment)



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