Winners of the New Zealand Post Children’s Book Awards 2003 will be announced on April 8. Finalists in the four categories are:
Junior fiction:
Buddy by V M Jones (HarperCollins); A Friend in Paradise by Des Hunt (HarperCollins); The Dragon’s Apprentice by Linda McNabb (HarperCollins); Something Weird About Mr Foster by Ken Catran (Scholastic); When the Kehua Calls by Kingi McKinnon (Scholastic).
Which New Zealand Insect? by Andrew Crowe (Penguin Books); Weaving Earth And Sky: Myths and Legends of Aotearoa by Robert Sullivan with illustrations by Gavin Bishop (Random House); New Zealand Wild: The Shaping of New Zealand by Brian O’Flaherty (Reed); New Zealand Trees: The Kauri by Alina Arkins with photography by Len Doel (Reed); Weta: A Knight in Shining Armour by Joy Cowley with photography by Rod Morris (Scholastic).
Picture book:
The Immigrants by Alan Bagnall with illustrations by Sarah Wilkins (Mallinson Rendel); Pigtails the Pirate, written and illustrated by David Elliot (Random House); Why Do Dogs Sniff Bottoms? by Dawn McMillan and Bert Signal, with illustrations by Ross Kinnaird (Reed); Auntie Rosie and the Rabbit by Diana Noonan with illustrations by Christine Ross (Scholastic); The Christmas Caravan by Jennifer Beck with illustrations by Robyn Belton (Scholastic).
Senior fiction:
Alchemy by Margaret Mahy (HarperCollins); Tomorrow the Dark by Ken Catran (Lothian Books); Right Where It Hurts by David Hill (Mallinson Rendel); The Thin Line by V R Joseph (Mallinson Rendel); Letters From the Coffin-Trenches by Ken Catran (Random House).